To Be A Global Citizen

Photo by Mike Scheid on Unsplash

    Last month I attended an event featuring keynote speaker Vishakha Desai. As President Emeritus of the Asia Society author of "World as Family," Desai has empowered marginalized communities and raised awareness about global issues. 

    During Polytechnic School's Global Initiatives Program event, Desai shared her experiences to provide insight on the importance of being a global citizen. After being displaced at a young age, Desai grew up as an AFS student in America mindful of what it meant to be a global citizen. Much of that, as I heard, revolved around seeing the World as a Family. 

    While Desai admits that its wording can seem cliché, viewing the world as a family allows empathetic bonds to be made with anyone. It's a mindset that not only betters communication but opens up opportunities.

    Desai later spoke about a concept called 'the Multiplicity of Intersectionality,' which illustrates the complex nature of our identities. She contrasted phrasing such as being an Indian in America with being an American of Indian origin to highlight the numerous perceptions that surround ourselves. I found this explanation even more powerful after she related questions of identity back to questions of global citizenship. 

    I really enjoyed this event and applaud my fellow Global Scholars for preparing insightful questions and leading this event.




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I plan to build on my work pertaining to the UN Goal on education by continuing my collaboration with the Boy Scouts of America via my capstone project. They can be found via this link: