The Implications of Russia's Invasion


Photo by Euan Cameron on Unsplash

As Putin continues to spearhead Russia's invasion of Ukraine, it is interesting to consider the precedent that is being set. The war had commenced despite many reporters and political leaders, making the events that unfold new. This is especially the case considering that the COVID 19 pandemic continues to rage on. After the U.S. and the European Union had placed sanctions on the Russia, Putin continued to with his plans, almost unaffected.

Given the looming fear of nuclear warfare, is it even possible now to punish bullying countries? While this question makes many simplifications and assumptions of the situation, it makes the implications much clearer when analyzing China and Taiwan's relation.

Taiwan currently supports Ukraine as each of these countries sought out independence and have bullying countries trying to deny their autonomy. While it is not as full blown as Russia, China has been sending warplanes to fly around the island of Taiwan, which many diplomats fear might be a sign of invasion. It crucial, then, that the U.S. change it's approach in order to end the war.






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I plan to build on my work pertaining to the UN Goal on education by continuing my collaboration with the Boy Scouts of America via my capstone project. They can be found via this link: