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The Riveting Journey of a Global Scholar

Photo by Zac Wolff on Unsplash I really enjoyed my time as a Global Scholar. I got to branch out and explore different perspectives. Moreover, I got to gauge my interest in topics such as international relations in the global east or analyzing the debt crisis in Latin American Countries. I believe that understanding the interconnectedness of our experiences is integral to building a more fulfilling sense of self.  While my capstone project was really impactful in my experience, I had already spoken a lot about it in my previous blog post, which you should check out. I think that the other global scholars in this cohort alongside the instructors really made this a magical and worthwhile experience because they helped foster a collaborative and endearing environment, something I really value.  I would recommend this program to others who are fortunate enough to be able to take it. I definitely would have missed out on the global citizenship opportunities that this class has to offer had

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I plan to build on my work pertaining to the UN Goal on education by continuing my collaboration with the Boy Scouts of America via my capstone project. They can be found via this link: